St. Patty’s Day on a Saturday… finally!

FlashMob!, and formerly, The Subsidies, have played a lot of St. Patty's Days. The best one we played was several years ago at O'Gara's. I think it's no coincidence that this was the last time the event was actually on a Saturday. Fast forward a few years, and...

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FM! Headlines Pickle Park! & Laura Hangs It Up…

Here's a few teaser pics from FlashMob! at Pickle Park on 1/6/12.  There's more stuff to be uploaded (including a row of full moons in honor of the Lovely Laura's departure! P.S. Don't miss the Laura Video!)----- but we got stuff to do.... like BABE'S TOMORROW! Be the...

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“Think of Laura but Laugh Don’t Cry”

Think of Laura I know it's been a while since I rapped at ya, but I've been busier than Grant at a home brewers convention. I come to you in the dawn of a new year, fresh with memories of a 2011 filled with Cougar-hunting, a liver-killing tour through upper Iowa --...

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Happy FlashMob! I mean, New Year?

Holy baloney, 2011 went fast.  But the past is the past, last year's criminal charges have already been processed and now 2012 is let's focus on the most important thing: FRIDAY, JANUARY 6TH IS LAURA'S LAST SHOW! (YEAH, THAT'S LIKE....TOMORROW.) You'll...

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FlashMob! at Babe’s in Lakeville

Hey Mobsters! Sorry for the brief hiatus, but partying is hard work. Check out the pics from the other weekend at one of our favorite spots--Babe's Music Bar downtown Lakeville-- then don't miss the shenanigans TONIGHT at Pickle Park in Fridley!     Guess...

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FlashMob! Back at McKracken’s! | Twin Cities Cover Band

First Order of Business: Get to Babes --> TONIGHT! Now..... Back to the old ball game on our fall tour!  McKracken's is always a blast, especially when you have a birthday girl who is well on her way to partying before we even start the first set! A big thanks to...

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We Got You, Babe’s.

You've waited so long, and they're finally here!  The sweet shots from our last show at Babe's.  We had a kick-ass time as usual. Don't miss our next show in Lakeville in a few weeks, but we'll have plenty of sweaty, dancy (spelling?) goodness to tide you over until...

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