Hi. We're FlashMob!
We may look like professional wrestlers, but we have feelings, too.
Collin – vocals
Collin rejoined the band to pay off a litany of gambling-related debts from betting on 3rd grade basketball.
- Jordans 95%
- Lyrics memorization 55%
- Falling on stage 73%

Justine – vocals
Justine goes by “Juice” because she’s a huge fan of OJ Simpson (not his football or murdering skills, but his role in the Naked Gun movies).
- Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum visits 92%
- Cannibalism 79%
- Hair colors 77%

Pete – guitar
Hello, I am Pete “Pleat” Mohs and you are most definitely not. Want to know how I know you’re not Pete Mohs? Too bad.
- Storytelling 7%
- Polos 89%
- Clumsiness 99%

Matt – keys & vocals
Matt once ran for Mayor of Shocton, Idaho on a dare. He finished a close second to incumbent Ralph Dant (deceased).
- Illnesses spread to band members 97%
- Hair products 0%
- Winning percentage against Joe 2%

Josh – bass & vocals
My morning routine is made up of a series of naked jumping jacks. I prefer Walgreens to CVS as Walgreens doesn’t do pretentious.
- Hieroglyphs 85%
- Bow ties 55%
- General volume 99%

Patrick – drums
Patrick smells roughly age appropriate. That’s all we know. If you have information, please contact us at [email protected].
- Tie options 3%
- Song opinions 100%
- Front row ladies chanting “Patrick” 88%
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Let's be friends
We’re fun. You’re fun. I don’t know… it just feels like we were destined to be together. Right?