Sure, we’ve played all over the midwest. Exotic locations such as Chippewa Falls (oooh!) and Des Moines (ahhh!) have become the norm for us. You can get a little jaded living this posh lifestyle. And, to make matters worse, FlashMob! has now officially gone international. Yup. We’re just that huge and famous and rad and good at microwaving burritos.
FlashMob! headlined a big ol’ outdoor festival just north of the border in the lovely town of Fort Frances. The people were kind, the reception was warm, and the steak dinner was steaky. Seeing throngs of legally drunk 19 year olds took some getting used to (they’re just kids, damn it!), but we’re working on it.
We also visited a Tim Horton’s at 3am. For those who are unfamiliar, it’s basically the greatest post-show food source on earth. America, get your head in the game and ask Tim to wear some red, white and blue.
Sadly, no one said, “hoser.” Not once. Ugh. Was the trip even worth it? I just don’t know.
Photos by Clint Bruyere